Big Brother: Who Won the POV For Week 3 BB26? Newsad

Big Brother: Who Won the POV For Week 3 BB26? Newsad

Big Brother live feeds for Season 26 just finished with week 3’s power of veto competition. As we have told you in other Big Brother spoilers, Cedric Hodges won the Head of Household (HOH) competition, nominating Angela Murray and Kenny Kelley for eviction, with Tucker Des Laurier’s volunteering as a pawn. Tensions rose as Kenny … Read more

Bold and the Beautiful: Hope Makes a Fool of Herself at Forrester Creations Next Week? Newsad

Bold and the Beautiful: Hope Makes a Fool of Herself at Forrester Creations Next Week? Newsad

Bold and the Beautiful slowly strips Hope Logan of the personality that made her a fan-favorite on this CBS soap. First, they script her as a woman who can’t keep a lid on her lust these days, and going after a married man. Next, she exhibits the behavior you might expect from a 12-year-old tattle-telling. … Read more