Falling behind in school is painful. Belonging can help students trust and learn – News ad

Falling behind in school is painful. Belonging can help students trust and learn

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These types of positive messages, when conveyed authentically, “can undo a lot of the damage from past experiences that these kids come with,” according to Cohen. When rebuilding trust with students is successful, those students’ expectations can also be adjusted to reflect their ability to succeed and achieve academically, Cohen said. This process, he continued, … Read more

Iran denies there is a plot to kill Trump and urges building trust with the United States – Newsad

Iran denies there is a plot to kill Trump and urges building trust with the United States

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Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi (left) and US President-elect Donald Trump. – Reuters/File Screenwriters brought in to make a “third-rate comedy”: Araqchi Iranian Foreign Minister: Iran respects the Americans’ choice to elect the president. “Iran is not seeking nuclear weapons, period,” he says. Dubai: Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi denied US accusations that Tehran was … Read more