General Hospital Tragedy: Sam McCall Dies Newsad

General Hospital Tragedy: Sam McCall Dies


General Hospital fan favorite Sam McCall After his surgery, he took a turn for the worst and died unexpectedly. There’s no doubt the following episodes will be filled with tears, anguish and heartache as friends and family bid farewell in ABC’s twist. Sam Had Surgery at General Hospital Lately General Hospital, Everything seemed to go … Read more

Days of our Lives 2-Week Spoilers Aug 12-23: Gabi Freaks & Sarah Tragedy Newsad

Days of our Lives 2-Week Spoilers Aug 12-23: Gabi Freaks & Sarah Tragedy Newsad

Days of Our Lives on Peacock brings another fortnight of suspenseful storytelling from August 12-23, 2024. A shocking revelation awaits Gabi Hernandez (Cherie Jimenez) while Sarah Horton (Linsey Godfrey) faces an impending tragedy. Johnny DiMera (Carson Boatman) and Bonnie Kiriakis (Judi Evans) find shared interests while Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun) and Stefan DiMera (Brandon Barash) … Read more