What the research says about mixed ability algebra class – News ad

What the research says about mixed ability algebra class

 – News ad

Meanwhile, the ordinary students seemed to be unharmed. Those randomly assigned to the new mixed-level class had test scores in 11th grade that were no worse than those who took Algebra 1 separately. Some advocates of this trend argue that everyone benefits from mixed-ability classes, but there was no increase in test scores for high-achieving … Read more

Groundbreaking research on gene regulation earns US scientist duo Nobel Prize – Newsad

Groundbreaking research on gene regulation earns US scientist duo Nobel Prize – Newsad

WASHINGTON: US scientists Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun won the Nobel Prize in Medicine on Monday for their discovery of microRNA and its role in how genes are regulated. Understanding the regulation of gene activity has been an important goal for decades, the Nobel jury said. If gene regulation goes awry, it can lead to … Read more