What is the best way to practice gratitude? – News ad

What is the best way to practice gratitude?

 – News ad

We all hear about the importance of practicing gratitude, especially this time of year. If you’re celebrating Thanksgiving, you’ll probably go around the table and say what you’re grateful for before eating your mashed potatoes. After Thanksgiving, you may have heard the advice that you should write gratitude lists, keep a gratitude journal, or write … Read more

Sister Wives: Meri Makes Tearful Practice Run with Untold Story in Real-Time Newsad

Sister Wives: Meri Makes Tearful Practice Run with Untold Story in Real-Time Newsad

Sister Wives star Meri Brown promised she would tell her story, and she recently got a jump start on this in front of a select audience away from the cameras of her TLC series. During some trying times on the show, Meri vowed she would no longer remain silent. This left fans wondering if she’d … Read more