With his degree, Gurtiza hopes to leave a lasting legacy at EAC News_ad

With his degree, Gurtiza hopes to leave a lasting legacy at EAC


King Gurtiza of Emilio Aguinaldo College vs. San Sebastian in the NCAA Season 100.-NCAA PHOTO MANILA, Philippines – Emilio Aguinaldo College has yet to reach the NCAA Final Four since joining the league in 2009. King Gurtiza is playing in his final year and hopes to end the generals’ 15-year losing streak. Gurtiza and the … Read more

The Bold and the Beautiful: Steffy Promises to End Hope’s Streak After Carter Fling Reveal Newsad

The Bold and the Beautiful: Steffy Promises to End Hope’s Streak After Carter Fling Reveal


Steffy Forrester from The Bold and the Beautiful really wants to hurt Hope Logan. He wants to close his clothing brand called ‘Hope for the Future’ forever. But Carter Walton has now made a very passionate attempt to keep his clothing line alive. In a recent interview with TV Water Cooler, Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (who … Read more