What happens to student loans if the Department of Education closes? News ad

What happens to student loans if the Department of Education closes?

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President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly said he plans to shut down the U.S. Department of Education once he takes office. The department provides approximately 10% of K-12 funding and enforces federal civil rights in schools. However, it plays a much larger role in the financing of higher education. By managing approximately $1.5 trillion in student … Read more

Kashmiris fear cultural erasure as India imposes education in Sanskrit – Newsad

Kashmiris fear cultural erasure as India imposes education in Sanskrit

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Srinagar: The Indian government’s renewed efforts to teach Sanskrit in the occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir have sparked widespread concern among Kashmiris, who worry about the loss of their indigenous language and culture amid increasing cultural imposition. According to Kashmir Media Service, the latest initiative involves expanding traditional Sanskrit mobile schools across the occupied … Read more

The role of play in modern education – – News ad

The role of play in modern education –

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Gamification is used in many fields and industries. It aims to foster customer loyalty in the business: “Get a discount among our 5 most recent emails to get 50% off dedicated server hosting.” It’s a little different in education. Gamification in education aims to provide a more interactive learning experience for students while providing proof … Read more