India’s BJP leads Haryana vote count but trails Congress alliance in IIOJK – Newsad

India’s BJP leads Haryana vote count but trails Congress alliance in IIOJK – Newsad

A booth-level officer helps a woman verify her name in the voting list outside a polling station during the state assembly elections, in Karnal, in the northern state of Haryana, India, on October 5, 2024. — Reuters India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) appeared on course for a surprise win on Tuesday in polls in … Read more

Exit polls indicate major setback for India’s BJP in two key state elections – Newsad

Exit polls indicate major setback for India’s BJP in two key state elections – Newsad

People wait in line outside a polling station to vote during the state assembly elections, in Karnal in the northern state of Haryana, India, October 5, 2024. — Reuters Polls indicate end to decade of rule of BJP in Haryana by Congress. BJP had to form coalition govt despite polls predicted its majority. Haryana, IIOJK … Read more