How the Fed’s September Rate Cut Will Affect Your Money News ad

How the Fed’s September Rate Cut Will Affect Your Money News ad

The Federal Reserve is expected to decrease interest rates for the first time since 2020 in September, setting off a chain reaction that will indirectly influence several parts of the U.S. economy — including your wallet. In recent years, the Fed ratcheted up interest rates (and then held them steady) in order to curb excessive … Read more

Social Security: How Proposed Changes Could Affect Benefits News ad

Social Security: How Proposed Changes Could Affect Benefits News ad

More than 70 million Americans receive monthly Social Security checks. Over 180 million current workers are paying into the system and expect benefits down the line. But the program is running out of money. So naturally, proposals are swirling on both sides of the political aisle to make changes to Social Security as the clock … Read more