Sister Wives star Robyn Brown She caused quite a stir online by leaning against a vanity table on the bathroom floor in the early hours of the morning after the final episode of the TLC series aired. But today another mystery is floating around the internet.
In this clip, the counter behind Robyn looks cluttered with items. But you don’t usually find some of these in the bathroom. So, unless you eat dessert in your bathroom, you may find some things in this clip out of place.
Sister Wives: Has Robyn Brown Reached an All-Time Low?
Sister Wives Fans see this bathroom incident as Robyn Brown’s attempt to redeem herself to viewers. Just before he started his segment, words describing the day and time flashed on the screen. So the fact that he was doing this on Christmas Eve made the clip a sad scene for some fans.
However, other fans saw this as a failed attempt to redeem himself as the villain. So it’s one o’clock in the morning on Christmas Eve. We then see Robyn sitting collapsed on the bathroom floor.
Sister Wives The mother of five expresses her sadness over the festivities planned for the next day. More precisely, he is pondering the lack of expected festivities. Robyn Brown’s sadness stems from the fact that no one but her family of seven is joining them this year.

Meri Brown, who never fails to come for Christmas, planned to stay away this year. Kody Brown made it clear to Robyn that he couldn’t act like a husband to her while she was there.
Robyn Sings the Blues from the Bathroom Floor…
Meri Brown wouldn’t think of interfering with Robyn’s pursuit of her husband’s attention. So he chose to submit. However, when the events ended, he was in a sick bed because of the holiday and wouldn’t have been able to do it anyway.
Keeping this in mind, Sister Wives When fans hear about Robyn’s pity party on the bathroom floor, Robyn has little if any empathy. As Robyn does her thing in front of the camera, her doom-filled voice is starting to get old for fans.
Robyn shares how she plans to serve over the holidays for her children. But her heart isn’t in it as she misses the big family celebrations they had in the past.
At one point, the audience’s observation shifts to the background of the bathroom clip. What they see behind them gets even more interesting.
Sister Wives: Is Nobody Cleaning?
Sister Wives Celebrity Robyn Brown kept her headphones on while making this statement about how hard she was trying on the bathroom floor. Anyone can guess what he’s listening to.
So whether it was out of boredom on the part of the audience after it had been going on for a while, or simply because fans were seeing the whole picture, the background became a point of interest.

Sister Wives Fans spotted a cake plate in the toilet, an odd thing to hide. There was also a box that appeared to contain something medical and a huge rock that appeared to be sticking out of the sink area.
The cake plate and medical-looking product are visible on the left side of the photo highlighted in red above.
The highlighted area on the right side of the image shows the curlers. Fans assume Kody Brown used these to get those curls. While Robyn lamented where life was taking her today, fans seemed to find her surroundings more interesting than her words.
Some Sister Wives Fans suggested that a woman who is so obsessed with the thought of germs would not keep a glass in the bathroom, as seen in the days of Covid. They also say Robyn’s past trouble with germs likely necessitated disposable cups instead.
So whatever Robyn Brown’s motives were when she spoke from the bathroom floor, the latest episode of this TLC show did nothing more than give fans a look at what she’s hiding in the bathroom.
Come back to Soap Dirt for the latest information Sister Wives.