SPACs Try For A Comeback News ad

SPACs Try For A Comeback News ad

Is the SPAC back? Maybe, a little. As a group, special purpose acquisition companies have crashed and burned spectacularly. Some 860 SPACs raised money from investors in the frenzied years 2020–2021, according to corporate advisor Kroll.  Less than 100 survived. Most SPACs simply folded and returned cash to investors without ever making an acquisition. Those … Read more

Bold and the Beautiful Predictions: Thomas Missing in Plane Crash? Newsad

Bold and the Beautiful Predictions: Thomas Missing in Plane Crash? Newsad

Bold and the Beautiful predictions suggest Thomas Forrester is a prime candidate to be the Forrester family member swept up in an air crisis on the CBS soap. Based on a hint in a recent episode, air travel might not be safe on the company jet. But why Thomas? So far, the CBS soap keeps … Read more