When shares are traded on average in 52 weeks, this can be a sign of a bull impulse. Many investors believe that 52 weeks become a significant time to compare promotions with its immediate prospects. If the action grows due to upcoming catalysts, the achievement of a 52-week maximum can only be the beginning.
Part of the attractiveness of the purchase of shares that are traded next to their 52-week maximums is psychological. Many investors consider this a bull indicator and will offer shares above.
However, investors should understand why the action is approachingThe field if the promotion is part of a short compression, like Gamestop Corp. NYSE: GME In 2021, this Usually moves higher for reasons that have nothing to do with the main business. Often this does not end well for investors who will not come out to a sharp change in the action.
If growth occurs for organic reasons, such as a new business or wide economic growth, it can be a great time to buy. Marketbeat monitors promotions that are traded on 52-week maximums or next to it. Here are three shares that, in the same way, have catalysts that can raise them above.
Strategic acquisitions stimulate innovation and growth FISERV
Fiserv Inc. NYSE: FI This is Fintech, which has global coverage. The company’s commitment to innovations, quality and management made it one of the “most admiring companies in the world” over 10 of the last 11 years.
Fi-races reached its 52-week maximum in early March 2025. It was also a record maximum of FinTech. It seems that investors bought news about the expected acquisition of CCV, a supplier of payment decisions based in the Netherlands. This acquisition will allow FISERV to speed up the deployment of its Clover platform and the operating system throughout Europe.
Fiserv, Inc. prices diagram (FI) for Friday, March 28, 2025
This is not the only acquisition of a note. Recently, the company has added PayFare experience in the field of map management, which enhances Fiserv coverage in the growing economy of concerts and new labor models.
But after buying rumors, investors sold the news even before the acquisition was confirmed on March 19, 2025. It looks like Making profit. Forecasts of FISERV analysts on Marketbeat give shares a consensus target price of $ 242.32, which will be a new 52-week maximum. Many Analysts have price purposes are much higher than consensus.
Darden’s restaurants are superior to bull moods
Darden Restaurants International NYSE: DRI It is ahead of many discretionary actions of consumers and is traded at a 52-week maximum as of March 27, 2025. Darden is a maternal company of restaurant networks, such as Olive Garden, Longhorn Steakhouse and Capital Grille.
The price diagram for Darden Restaurants, Inc. (DRI) on Friday, March 28, 2025
The catalyst Darden was a report on income in which the company provided profit compared to last year of income and income and issued bull recommendations for the current quarter. Analysts are found with bull moods, increasing their target prices to 10% or higher than the consensus price of analysts on Marketbeat.
Over the past 12 months, DRI shares have increased by 25% and by 11.8% in 2025. Despite this, the shares are still traded with the forwarding ratio for use (P/E) about 22 times, which is slightly higher than the average for five-year-old, but not in the area that will make shares with a reassurance. In addition, after the suspension of its dividends in 2020, the company restored it in 2025, and it is growing.
Kinross Gold: Safe shelter among market volatility
Gold booty is a good place to look for investors who want to ride a hot hand. Kinross Gold Corp. NYSE: KGC It is traded at a record high level as of March 27, 2025. This trend follows the point price for gold, which continues to set record maxima.
Price Kinross Gold Co. (KGC) for Friday, March 28, 2025
The case for the movement of KGC shares corresponds to the general narrative for gold. It is expected that inflation will be a higher of the consequences of the tariffs of the Trump administration that light a trade war. There is also concern about how effective the DOGE program will be in creating a significant reduction in US debts and deficits.
The next key milestone for kinross will appear in early May, when the company reports on income. This can be a catalyst for sending prices exceeding the current consensus price, which is 6.6% lower than the closing price of KGC shares in the amount of U.S. $ 12.46 on March 27, 2025.
Before considering Kinross Gold, you will want to hear it.
Marketbeat monitors the highest and most effective analysts with the most effective Wall Street analysts and promotions that they recommend to their customers daily. Marketbeat has identified five shares that leading analysts quietly whisper to their clients to buy now before a wider market is won … and Kinross Gold was not on the list.
While Kinross Gold currently has a purchase rating among analysts, analysts with the highest rating believe that these five promotions are better buying.
View five shares here
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